Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Time with Zul & Fathiah

How many times do you spend times with people who have interest in you: in business, your well being, your future, your family, etc. ? Not many right? Or another question : how many people do care for your well being, now and future? Not many right?

Well, Ky & I were blessed to know this couple who makes difference in our lives. It's Zul & Fathiah. This couple have been helping us in our business and personal life. They are our business partners cum mentors cum friends cum coach, etc. Not many people who take interest in you, right? In the office, your bosses have only interest in you so that you perform and achieve the Company's objective. After 5.30 pm, they don't care what will happen to you until the next morning when you punch in again. The bosses don't care what happen to your family and kids. Neither would they care what your future will be.

Unlike the bosses, this couple would help us to achieve our goals and dreams. They don't have to be with us but they have chosen us to be part of their life. They will help us succeed so that they'll too will succeed.

Zul reminded me about some planning matters in our business last week. So this week I was slightly free and thus I drove over to their place, which is a luxury banglo in Section 8 Shah Alam.

Zul started explaining to me about an excel worksheet which was introduced recently. It comprises of detail information and planning for our business. It also entails what can we expect in the business if the planning and work is done right.

As for me, although I was not 100% active in the business (due to some reasons) but I plan to jump back again. Thus this is a good jump start for me. Zul & Fathiah also talked to me on family matters. It's a good and refreshing to listen to someone who is financially independent and knows what they are doing. We even have lunch together.

How much do you have to pay to sit down and have lunch with Financially Independent people? I heard recently in radio that if you were to sit down for dinner with Warren Buffet, you have to pay something like RM2.0 million. But Warren Buffet won't make you rich either. Well, with Zul & Fathiah, the price is simple i.e. "you being a good student, listen and follow their advice, have big dreams and work it out". You want to be within the space of people who love to give their best for you.

Thanks Zul & Tihi!

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